TC8000 Mobile Computer


It’s the ground-breaking all new warehouse mobile computer designed to deliver revolutionary productivity increases in the warehouse. In fact, on average, it saves 14%* per worker versus traditional form factors – it’s like gaining an extra hour of productivity, per worker, per day.

And it’s the only device on the market that simplifies it all — how your workers physically use the device and interact with your warehouse application.


Display 4.0 in
Battery Lithium ion 6700 mAh
Keypad On-screen keypad
Operating System Android AOSP 5.1.x (Lollipop) with Mobility
Extensions (Mx)
Scan Engine SE965: 1D standard range scan engine
SE4750 SR or MR: Standard or medium range
omnidirectional 1D/2D imaging engine
SE4850 ER: Extended range 1D/2D imaging engine
Warranty 1 Year
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